
☆Scholarship recipients selected☆

After additional screening from October, the scholarship recipient was selected. She gave us a message. Good luck on your future studies! “I am very happy to receive this scholarship. I will focus on studying to get into university.”

☆2017年度10月期生 入学式☆

☆Entrance ceremony on October 2017☆

Entrance ceremony on October 2017 New students have arrived. They will enjoy the school life for one and a half years. There will be many difficulties. Just enjoy studying and maintain your health during your stay in Japan. Other new students will be joining them soon.


☆Scholarship recipients selected☆

The recipients of this year’s Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship were selected. They are aiming to get into a college to realize their dreams. They are working hard with a renewed determination.


☆Honors scholarship recipients selected☆

Students who will receive a scholarship for a year from April 2016 were selected. “I am very happy to receive the scholarship. I can reduce the burden on my parents and study with a peace of mind. I will work harder to live up to the expectations!”We will provide full support so that each student